Friday 31 March 2023

Reality, Simulation and Time

Every now and then I seem to manage to write something that makes some kind of sense and also seems rather well put...those times are too few and far between. A friend posted something about a theory about our universe being a simulation. This sort of thing is quite fashionable, of course, and versions stretch between post-modern theory to crazed conspiracies from people who took the Matrix films a bit too seriously. 

Another post was concerning time being an illusion. I am aware that the physicist Julian Barbour has called time a "well-founded illusion" which points out that to call time an illusion does not even remotely do away with time (an interview with Barbour records that he arrived for the interview late!) but the nature of time, and of reality, are, nevertheless in question.

Needless to say, I don't have the answers, but I have been asking some of the questions for sometime. Anyway, here was my response, which I think with this bit of contextual explanation, stands alone quite...not badly...

 "The thing is, except for the nutters who believe we are in the Matrix, run by shape-shifting lizards (who, oddly enough, turn out to be Jewish) while inside the hollow earth, when we are told that time is an illusion or similar, we have to attend carefully what that really means.

At some level, EVERYTHING is an illusion because we see it at a particular scale and according to our sense organs and the way our brain interprets the data.
In the case of time, it simply can't be dismissed as an illusion because it is both real and a number of illusions, depending on what you are referring to.
The imposition of quantitative time as qualitative time is the tyranny and that is what capitalism does. The revolt against clock time doesn't destroy time, but can liberate us into genuinely lived, qualitative time."

Here's another perspective:

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