Sunday 19 June 2022

Bubu Johnson Consults His Ethical Advisor


Bubu Johnson Consults His Ethical Advisor


UBU: Are we right to behave like this? Hornstrumpot, by our Green Candle, let us consult our conscience. There it is, in this suitcase, all covered with cobwebs. It is obvious that it’s of no earthly use. (He opens the suitcase.

 Enter Conscience as a big fellow in a nightshirt.) CONSCIENCE : Sir, and so forth, be so good as to take a few notes. 

 UBU: Excuse me, Sir, we have no fondness for writing, though we have no doubt that anything you have to say would be most interesting. And while we’re on the subject, I should like to know why you have the cheek to appear before us in your shirt?

CONSCIENCE: Sir and so forth, Conscience, like Truth, usually goes without a shirt. If I have donned one, it is out of respect for the distinguished audience.

UBU: As for that, Mr. or Mrs. Conscience, you’re kicking up a great fuss about nothing. Answer this question rather. Should I do well to kill Mr. Achras who has had the audacity to come and insult me in my own house?

 CONSCIENCE: Sir and so forth, to return good with evil is unworthy of a civilized man. Mr. Achras has lodged you, Mr. Achras has received you with open arms, and made you free of his collection of polyhedra, Mr. Achras, and so forth, is a very fine fellow, quite harmless; it would be cowardly and so forth, to lull a poor old man incapable of defending himself.

 UBU: Hornstrumpot, my good conscience, are you quite sure he can’t defend himself?

CONSCIENCE: Absolutely, Sir, so it would be a coward’s trick to make away with him.

 UBU : Thank you, Sir, we shan’t need you any more. Since there’s no risk attached, we shall assassinate Mr. Achras, and we shall also make a point of consulting you more frequently, for you know how to give us better advice than we had anticipated. Now, into the suitcase with you! (He closes it again.)

 CONSCIENCE: In which case, Sir, I think we can leave it at that and so forth, for today.

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